Echo’s legacy

Good morning everyone! Today our journey into Amboseli started at around 7:30 ready for morning/noon game drive.

As soon as we left the lodge we spotted the enourous Mt Kilimanjaro to our right!

The majestic Mt Kilimanjaro

We were lucky to catch a glimpse of it as it is often hidden behind the clouds. We just had enough time to admire it and catch it on our cameras. Later in the afternoon after we had returned from our drive, one of the guys came running to our room to tell us it was visable again. Ellen & I rushed to the gates to capture it again, but we had to be fast. We saw the Kilimanjaro and its smaller neighbour..but I can not remember the name of it. I am not online now so I can’t check it but will do so later on.

Not long in our drive we came across the first of many huge herds of elephants. Gosh those giants are amazing but at the same time oh so gentle with their offspring. It’s amazing to see how those little creatures can keep up with the high pace at which they move at times.

Elephants all over in Amboseli NP


We’ve seen them cross our roads a few times during out trip and everytime it amazes me. I love seeing them play with the dust, throwing it over their heads and bodies. Who knows, one of these herds may or may not have been offspring of the famous ‘Echo’. Check animal planet or National Geographic for her amazing stories..

Today we were also lucky to see a lone hyena. They arched back makes them look like a bit of an odd creature but he or she had this gentle look on its face. Very dog-like in my opinion. Beautiful head and not scared of us at all. It didn’t come too close to us as it kept a safe distance. I was really pleased to see one. I am so hoping that we will catch some hunting dogs far no luck.

A beautiful lone wanted to cuddle it! Reminded me of my Gulliver & Hailey

Amboseli is so different to the Mara but I really loved its diversity! You could be in a very dry spot where the soil had cracks in it and a few minutes further it was lushes green!

Both the Mara and Amboseli had something special in my opinion. All the wildlife that we spotted in the Mara and the diversity of the landscape of Amboseli! I am really glad we came to this National Park as well.

We spotted plenty of birds here as well, some we hadn’t seen before but of which I have forgotten the names now. All will be dotted down once I sorted through my pictures..

Our lunch time spot was Namutio Hill!!! A look-out on top of a hill overlooking the Kioko Swamp!! WOW! Another great place to have our lunch. Down the hill we saw hippos all over, grazing so we got to see them out of the water. Huge creatures moving slowly in the grass, munching on the greens. Plenty of pictures of those as well.

Hippo lunch-time

After I had my lunch I walked around and spotted an Peregrine Falcon in a tree with some prey, a smaller bird. Feathers were flying around. After we continued our drive we spotted another African Fish Eagle. Man, those birds are enourmous and gorgeous! I was hoping that it would fly away so that I could photograph its magnificent wings but no such luck. It was quiet content sitting in the wind, looking around.

Our gamedrive ended at 3pm so we had some time to relax. We had some drinks (love the G&T’s), got on the internet and posted yesterday’s blog, relaxed a bit in our rooms, showered and went off for dinner.

The food here has been so delicious. I must admit that I am eating healthier than at home. Lot’s of fresh vegetables, fruit and very light on the meat and patatoes!


Tomorrow we are off to Tsavo West National Park. It’s only a 4h drive so we didn’t have to leave the hotel until 8pm.


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