I didn’t want to set a target for this fundraising event but because the reactions have been, well overwhelming to say the least, I am going to do just that! Let’s get our hands together and try to reach at least €500!
Just to let you know, after one day the total amount stands at …….€325. And I have people telling me they will donate directly through the koala hospital in order not to loose anything because of conversion fees. If it continues like this I will up the target for sure.
Thank you so much for caring about this magnificent little creature.
Today I will take a side step from my African adventures. After all, this page is all about my African adventures and more.
Time for more.
I don’t think I need to tell you that the world is burning. Bushfires raging on pretty much every continent. Some lit purposely, others because of Mother nature’s way of dealing with things and even others just because, accidentally.
The area around Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia, is one of those places. Be that the place where the Koala Hospital is situated. The same hospital I volunteered in way back in 2004.
This hospital (and many others of course) and its volunteers work day and night to help save the koalas. Koalas come in with burn injuries, diseases, road accidents, …
I have seen first hand what needs to be done to help just one koala.
Because of that reason I have decided to raise some money for them. Today they need it even more.
There are a few way YOU can help:
1- Here are two postcards for sale as support cards, €5 each. One has an image of me feeding Bonnie Fire, a koala that was rescued from, indeed a fire. After she was rescued they couldn’t release her back into the wild because of the severity of her injuries. She lived a happy life at the hospital, sharing a yard with Perch Miracle and Cloud, two other bush fire victims.
The other card is of Bermuda Barb.
You can pay me in cash or wire me the money through my bank account (details will be mailed on request) or PayPal account (sylvie.vandenbossche76@gmail.com)
2- You can also donate through the koala hospital website . They accept all major credit cards. You can donate, adopt a koala or buy something from their shop.
After I have received your gifts I will give them 100% of all funds raised.
You all know I am for real when I ask for donations.